Thursday, April 7, 2011

Something that men and women

 Divorce, no matter what kind of reasons, both women and men is a kind of injury. The difference is that the damage of divorce on women may be long-term, but for men it is temporary, not divorce a man suffering for a lifetime.
marriage is born again, divorce is the end, and rebirth need blessing, at the end without looking back.
reunion is just round the illusion, love and marriage once again into the real life, the illusion will become disillusioned.
have weaknesses of human nature, the feelings of hurt, no one can really smile can melt away allies and enemies.
Do not give a divorce, and once divorced, do not expect back. Love or marriage, when you have time, we must cherish. And when the real time lost, we must learn in time to let go.
remarry after divorce is the most unforgivable of life stupid mistakes.
life is like drama, full of satire, when in a forgotten treasure, the loss of desire to have the time, no one can really Taichetaiwu.
in real life, the reunion back together but it is an unrealistic expectation. United States mirror again, once broken, even the repair, it is difficult to bridge that rift.

I have written in such stories, very few truly happy remarry, more for re-entering the same Block Siege and regret, or embarrassment live in disgrace. Life is only a few short years, if the long-term in the heavy live under the pressure of remorse or guilt, so life was not good.

● people have always had a traditional, or bad habits, like always go according to their moral standards requirements of others, they can Nandaonvchang, sly, but it does not allow someone else the slightest bit out of line.
● what these years are open, and open to the most thorough, No wonder, then that something in men and women. Do love to talk about the situation, even if the wrong person into the wrong room to sleep, nor how many people will fuss.
● This year, not a lack of love, but the lack of people who dare to pay for love.
● can not nonsense.
● in the emotional world, no one more noble than anyone else, only more real than anyone else who is.

● Most men and women so that something, or you're happy, or you feel the pain. Experience simple but profound, love and hate clear, is not vague.
● Women in Love, said a hundred times to break up, breaking up may not be true, but the man said again, breaking up will become a reality.
● order to retain a woman's heart, or let her fall in love with you, or let her hate you.
● for women, if really hate a man, and want to forget, it takes a lifetime.
● feelings, after all, is a selfish thing, break up, break up no matter what way to the end of love, for love is a kind of injury.
● love a person can not reason, but the end of a love, we must ask to find reason for the split. Can love confused, but we must soberly face separate ways.
● real tragedy of the many love, are the parties at the beginning of a new love, are into the same river, confused, not knowing the depth of the water, but I do not know the cold and warm water.
● There will be no regrets breaking up, is the best way to break up.
● To listen to the words of experts, but do not take it seriously. Listen to the stock market experts, you are ready to jump; listen to the words of emotion experts, you are likely to derail. The ideal state is to go its own way, eat the food of others, I am sorry to find fault with others.
● world only the best employees, not the best boss.
● deal with people who do not want to accept your interview, the best approach is to find his / her underground lover.
● Internet late at night people, not the most busy people, is the most busy person.
● often busy people, who are a waste of time. Idle people, in the hurry to enjoy.
● rats could fall in love with cats, wolves can fall in love with the sheep, grandfather to hug the little girl, not a Moral Degeneration, but anything is possible.
● Happiness is given by others, it is self-inflicted troubles. Many people are happy, because to forget the past; a lot of people worry, because everything to heart.
● Do not put your boss as a philanthropist, not to get too close with your boss, or you are truly orphans.
● Do not expect all work to everyone's satisfaction, because not everyone is a person.
● Do not use sex and money to test your friends, not many people as you think so strong and faithful.
● modern love are fragile, and vowed to only a fig leaf of desire.
● In the material world, no one to love his life more important than our, often, in love, are often themselves too seriously.
● dead have to love is a lie, prefer to live well, love every day, but also determined not to play the sentimentalism that point things looked very noble, do not add to the trouble to the deceased, not to the living finding fault, and you are a great times good citizens.

● First love is only one of the most beautiful scenery on the road of life, full of sadness, like late autumn leaves blowing in the wind. The more beautiful, the more likely to lose.
● If you want to retain the original share of the good feelings and memories, first love to do not with sex, love can make people, may not be able to make love, because many years later , you have not you, he is no longer him.
● First love is brought miss, not possession, because of miss the good, because without the double miss.
● better not to marry my first love, first love, the other can not marry. Love is like a delicate vase, easy to break; love also like beautiful flowers, can not withstand any weather, easy to die.
● a lot of things on earth, are perfectly easy to forget, but unfortunately left, but never forget, such as first love, is buried in keeping everything in eternal.
● In the emotional world, love is hurt, with that loss.
● life worthy of love, and many people can really love are few.
● Since love to be cherished. Once is not love, rather than let love be more damage, might as well let love be good memories. To others a way out of love, that is, give yourself a happy looking for the next exit.
● Love needs impulse and passion, and marriage is full of reason and need to adhere to. Treat the feelings of others, in fact, that is, to protect their marriage.
● Love is the need to stop, and then the pure love, can not withstand many years of back and forth, love will bring happiness, and sometimes bring destruction.
● reality is always helpless, love once astray, even how much you love, it still can not save a wrong marriage.
● Once at the wrong time to fall in love with the wrong person, the end is tragic. The wrong cause, after all, bear the consequences.
● avenue leading to love, who is very easy to lose reason. Need to know how to let go is a matter of wisdom and mind!
● obtain and happy not because of love, but really happy with it. Years, can be old, but it can be long-lasting true love.
● real love, not drawing near the vows, but the ordinary days of steady; not every day that use the mouth It requires action in the nuances.
● some love, doomed to have flashed by like a meteor. Nothing is eternal, only the years.
● In reality, choose to love me, in dreams, choose the one I love.
● real life hand in hand into the besieged city men and women who, in fact, not because of mutual understanding, but because of another temptation. Appropriate to leave a little secret, keep a distance, is the most beautiful look of love.
● Can a hospice love, mutual understanding is not much, but the key is each other's state of mind.
● For many people, when the dust settles, the feelings of their life history back, not really the best memories of profound feelings of love to grow old, but that years of life in There is no reason in paragraph love without regret.
● love and not love, in fact, no reason. Once the attachment of love many reasons, it will become a burden, a pain.
● The love, dead set, no love, no need to ask.
● vowed not love, because love has nothing to do with the oath. True love does not need to use language to express, often say No oath of love is the most reliable, only when another old, like the
● There is no free lunch, the same, the world is not free love. He who, betrayal and love whoever is injured. Numerous facts have proved: all the non-rational behavior, should be punished, including love and marriage.
● In the emotional world, not you, will eventually lose, even if you love how earth-shattering, full of pathos, can not find a true home for love.
● point out the things that men and women, before the marriage did not become a reality, are an embarrassment and trouble to do.
● world of marriage, be honest and right, wrong is that you mistakenly believe that confession could save their own conscience, ignore the damage the other party. Sometimes, the expression of love, loyalty and care, does not need to manifest themselves. In real life, proper to conceal, sometimes the best protection of marriage.
● Numerous facts have proven that the more luxurious grand wedding, ending the more lonely bear, the more simple a wedding, the more people food for thought, even if only one major sedan chair, an Anthurium, bridal chamber warm can make life memorable life.
● In fact, the modern man to escape marriage, is not afraid of loneliness, but the fear of embarrassment when the middle of a divorce and suffering. Because no one's oath to forever the highest power, and no one's marriage to each other have absolute confidence.
● In real life, love is selfish, are based on possession for the purpose, even if love has become a stranger, do not want to love a way out. Would rather destroy the love, even at a lose-lose, do not want to own magnificent turn, give each other a timeless beauty back.
● avenue leading to love, who is very easy to lose reason. Need to know how to let go is a matter of wisdom and mind!
● Several years later, there is always a lot of people pay a heavy price for living together before marriage, whether for love or just sex.
● Love and Marriage in the real world in real life is far more film or literary work magnificent, Live Flesh. Everyone's marriage is actually not as interesting as you think. Marriage is a pair of shoes, do not fit together only you know.
● life worthy of love, and many people can really love are few.
● Since love to be cherished. Once is not love, rather than let love be more damage, might as well let love be good memories. To others a way out of love, that is, give yourself a happy looking for the next exit.
● both good and bad is not necessarily about love, infatuation and love affair is not necessarily related to wait, perhaps only concerned about the situation.
● work with the lower body, think with the upper body. Otherwise, you run away. point out the things that
● men and women, from the Princess, down to the civilians, the performance under the bed may be different, but the performance in bed, absolutely identical. So, then the noble soul, stripped of the cloak of modesty, naked flesh and then the face of humble, but also the same original impulse.
● modern men and women, are well-developed upper body, lower body is very boring, and one of the greatest sorrow is boring.
● bed thing, even the decent thing and then also the people full of endless reverie. point out the things that
● men and women, no matter how frustrating, no matter how noble and great, after all, need to verify on the bed.
● how many men can not tolerate their own openly with their bodies to please a woman other men. Men in the marketplace can not do in the goof, the men in the entertainment mix can not do the same. It is human nature, has nothing to do with the character.
● In real life, whether man or woman, derailed in the face of a party when, in fact, the road is not much to choose only two: First, forgive, and not settling old accounts; Second, break up, no longer disputes. Unfortunately, modern people often can not which way to go in the end, to forgive, but the old settling old accounts; break up, and was angry. Torture each other in pain, the pain in suffering in life.
● For the men, and what kind of woman to go to bed and what kind of woman to go home to marry, there are two separate issues.
● can believe in love, you can also look forward to marriage, but to calmly face the everlasting beauty of commitment.
look at these words, what we think?Perhaps in the manufacture of Qu is a dangerous silence. No water to clean the fish, some of the players, would also have Apart from laughing, will understand that when a woman in love to others, such as the bent Mo said, should love yourself? For women, the young, should love their vibrant; middle age, they should love their own capacity; old, should love his rich experience?
perhaps for love and marriage in this case.
women are focused on love, love will be dead set for life, regardless of your poverty and wealth; and men are confused about love, love you, will love her, and when you face old He may be between jobs. It has been felt for a woman, never to love flames as fire, do not desperate for love, nor so hard to love, overdraft yourself too much effort, too grand love, not a man can bear, and men are willing to cherish, but why is not the woman. Any love is the bottom line is there, love to have given up even their own, it has little meaning.
is not in this materialistic society, love really is one of the world's most difficult book to read it?
love non-normal, sometimes even a metamorphosis, so the people will be tortured love, nowhere to hide. At the same time, love can not be a general code of ethics to a unified standard. Your Pork, I wear intestinal drugs, used in Nannvzhishi or on the same fit. To put it bluntly the world frolicking in the bedroom, a long time. Both good and bad, even though the topic is too old dregs, but never went to people active. Even if the stuffing is so broken into, such as dumplings, but also moths to flame, as one die, no matter regardless.
perhaps, about love it, no one can say this clearly. Something about the men and women that, no one can slightest capability does not hurt. Who you love, who love you? Opened the curtain of life, to see men and women continue to struggle, but is a dramatic Bale. Even more emotion, the substance is more abundant, but love is more fragile, and can not withstand the test of any storm. Common scenario is realistic, how many people can get used to the sword of divine love, to resist the money, status, power, the temptations and trials? Is love the eyes of the people no longer priceless, but has become something someone wants unloved? In the material world, clever as we, ordinary as we know how to advance and retreat as we have, even once had the kind of thing called love, such as the Butterfly Lovers will not be turned into immortal butterflies usually last only insects or moths have become ugly as life.
around to see more cooperation from the noisy clutch, look at the bent Mo The reason why tangled, not how experiencing the complexity of love, but too many people's desire to make love them beyond recognition. Love no matter what, are like a movie, only the main line, there is no fixed story, and never ending.
be how can they understand a woman, see through men, to the mortal world that the souls of men and women are no longer something for the suffering involved.
I think that something about the men and women, such as to see more clearly, let me see Qu Mo Heavy smoke in the pear is just knocking the door, full marks doubted see tears, I do not know something that men and women who had fallen friends planted above, read the book Qu silent, is there the same ideas in mind, thus leaving the same text line it?

wish you a Happy Family Marie Claire Music.

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