Thursday, April 28, 2011

merry christmas

Christmas Eve jm had Christmas Eve
they have made ​​arrangements for quarters , only me idle quarters, the results of hairs called me to show my interest in the work , even the Christmas Eve activities are set down.
family dinner addressed in the Northeast , three points out of a lotus leaf chicken wings , pork and chicken from bone of a wild mushroom stew , the only vegetables were also attendant to the forgotten. Sarkozy and other dishes on a table full of meat dishes that today considered to play the best effort I eat meat , though always felt very tired , but has no mouth ! decided to find something to eat insisted
entertainment , just run into Little Deng and Zhang , I tell them mixed up . First play the game , and then Petty Xiaomao clamoring to go to special bars ! Christmas Eve is Christmas Eve , too many foreigners there together , but also music and dancing , and several of us are happy to sit while playing cards. The first time that I kind of drink , ha ha, particularly forthright !

went to Christmas
early in the morning to slowly looked under my curly , she said, well, more determined to go perm my faith!
do not know what the wind blowing and I wf began to organize closet , ready to deal with a number of clothes. I guess a little, large and small, less than 100 pieces of clothing all year round , and more recently has not , by harvest time out there , credit card debt began to accumulate inside , made ​​me dare not shopping with easy !
then open qq, a bunch of people interested in my hair, hot , ho ho , wait and see , does not look good immediately straightened, would not it scary !
What should I do next

job come to an end , suddenly found itself nothing to do , and get up every day after dawdling with the time delay to open the computer , and then the look is extremely boring page , and then three meals a day !
students talk with the big Cui , he pointed out to me a few :
1, familiar with the new accounting standards implemented since January 2007 , and then consolidate the knowledge of Certified Public Accountants
2, English speaking practice every day to
3, more contact with society and the business
4, ACCA ( but not old and I intend to take advantage of now , still will test, reported that a CIA)
remember !
download a lot of good movies , something done now !

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