Sunday, December 12, 2010

The constellation of the top three-fenxian Stingy's blog - the focus of blog

 First place: Taurus Needless to say, Taurus is fixed for thousands of years the mountain top! Taurus both men and women, born of a keen sense of smell money, though not keen on large open source high-risk opportunities, but five cents a piece and a two of The difference between, on the Taurus is a little bit can not be!! expensive is expensive!! a dime of difference between all do!! Taurus partner in such a bad winter especially popular, as long as a Taurus partner, do not make you a dime to spend!! ancients called miserly financial database, hinting at is the perfect Taurus so miserly mate! second: Capricorn Capricorn Taurus for less money, hang on, but the Capricorn The benefit is not easy to be material inducements, as a very practical nature of Capricorn, the original will be able to distinguish between vanity and reality, will not blindly spend money there on the money which is a planned consumption, the money spent is not the province of the non- flowers, but will spend a lot of spirit to search a wide range of discount opportunities, should not spend the money, it is not tempted to be completely, completely out money to the point where is difficult to persuade completely Promising to defend, be planned to save money is the perfect companion! third: Virgo constellation Virgo in the soil as a flexibility which is a relatively, but also more likely to buy expensive things, will pursue quality of life, but Virgo is an Earth sign, after all, save money with natural genes, but how to purchase expensive side of things while save money? turned Virgo often abuse their own way with money, for example, eat a meal in order to save transportation costs pull ~ on their own ~ long way to go pull pull hot air conditioners do not break to continue to wear socks ~ ~ and the like, in the efforts of outsiders can not see the side of tightening their own belt, though Virgo is also a money expert, but with a partner and Virgo money to live, it can be mentally prepared to endure hardship that Oh!

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