Monday, February 21, 2011

2010 Major League bless the Lord

 Blessing articles mm
1. Would like to ask the Lord God of Rafah on the offensive to your old, Jehovah Jireh, the God of all prepare your New Year,
Jehovah Nissi God bring you victory next year, Sharon Lord God give you peace of Yongnian!
2. a kind of tacit understanding is called, a kind of photographic called wonderful;
accompanied by a kind of happiness is called the Lord, the Lord called a kind of sweet thoughts; < br> a kind of pleasure is to preach the gospel, a kind of joy is physically exhortation.
3. Let peace fast track to catch the winter, so happy with you gently hug,
so difficult to impress you, so worry bow quietly gone,
so auspicious for your personal attention, so you always happy smile! Happy New Year!
4. to get Subway to Spring Green, so happy with you there or be square,
health and good luck to one less, so warm and well-being endless,
to the Lord's love and blessings with you for life.
5. remove the worries of secular, open the promise of treasures, download an days of wisdom and share the joy of salvation,
the courage to save just a collection of the Holy Spirit, obedience to the faith paste, cut the shackles of sin,
print holiness witness, copy the fruit of peace, the new coming year More God bless!
6. the morning is a good start, the end of the night is the worry,
bring all the fun sunny days, rain washed away all the sadness,
both fair and rain, both the morning night, May the Lord bless you!
7. was thinking about a warm, blessed be happy, be prayer is sacred, and was blessed to be safe,
was I thinking about you, blessing, praying forward, protecting friend!
8. a place where the sun shines, there I am silent blessing;
the time when the moon beams and earth, there is my silent prayer;
when the meteor across the the moment, I made a wish: I wish you joy and peace, spiritual soaring!
9. with a beautiful ring, compiled a calendar of distributing ink fragrance.
calendar every year that I will be in heaven , with affectionate to miss your birthday wishes!
pray that God gives you joy and contentment of heart and spirit of the Lord every day with joy in the day!
encourage papers mm
1. heart pain and tears falling, dark days and sad times; I still give thanks, because I know all this Jieneng help me grow! the hand of God discipline is loving hand.
2. charcoal if light, can not make warm; barley if passed, how to share; Yuping if not broken, how can drift aroma; you though I am a candle, if not tears dedication; how wide the gospel of God Biography.
3. wind is transparent, the rain is ticking, the cloud is moving, the song is free, love is the heart, the day is eternal, faith is the same.
4. Love, has seen the downfall of the crime to look for a recovery vehicle;
love is to see a crime servility to find a way to release;
love is to see the wounds of sin, to find a cure ointment.
5. love can shorten the distance of time and space.
no matter how dark days, the stars still shine at night;
no matter how long the night, the dawn has long been looking at the other end; < br> No matter how high the mountain, the confidence of the song and make it step on the foot;
no matter how long the road, heart, love can still come to the clouds.
6. Open your eyes, you will see the sky vast; open arms, you will understand the deep feelings the earth; into the mind, you will smell the incense of nature; return to rest, you will appreciate the well-being in the main arms.
7. with a life time to understand God and Savior with the years of his life counterparts, with the passion to love life, my heavenly Father, with a lifetime of action to follow the Bible, the best choice in life than with this!
8. love is the meaning of love, joy, is the ability to love, peace and the protection of love,
Patience is the insistence of love, kindness is the act of love, good love the features,
faithful and trust in love, gentle love of humility, moderation is Love's victory.
9. criticism, then said gently, blessing and said loudly,
console, then to faith, to keep useless words do not say!
10. be able to lead before must serve; can serve to be awakened before; can be learned before consciousness; can learn to understand before; can understand must be silent before.
11. we have to be dedicated, holding a heart, not with half the root grass to go!
things to do, hospitality can not be lazy!
everything to due diligence, to work for themselves, the results to God!
we have to be responsible, Man proposes, God disposes!
12. Now this colorful world, more is revealed by the breath of desire, but few good taste,
value for the life of your efforts, God the Father look forward to your nearest.
13. God is love but the biggest blessing; family really hurt but most of the music;
friend but really to be the largest comfort; brothers and sisters, but at the maximum power of truth.
14. you do not live in his palm , is living in his arms!
rise, do not forget to look up to the Father, bow, do not forget the thoughts of God!
if you have time, then wake up wake up the police police themselves.
15. Love is a living law. a man used by God service hearts, always trickle flow is not absolutely the Fuyuan;
a constant bright mind, do not fear a sudden phase invasion of trouble.
16. Each one to the person in front of you, the prospective time to make him leave the better, happier.
May you live to do God a mighty testimony. in your face where have love in your eyes have love in your smile must be love.
spread the papers mm
1. Some people love you but can not afford, some people have the capability but do not love you, only our Heavenly Father is a man of ability and love you, let us join their hope in him, as his children now! understanding other people's world, your world is even more brighter.
2. joy, is the hot springs in winter, the freezing point of solutions of solidification; the summer in the springs, can nourish thirsty heart; is a cool quote agent, can boost the spirit of decline; is the fruit of the Spirit, given at any time the aroma of Christ! love is the only glimpse of the eternal life of the miniature. where love, where there are miracles.
3. Lord, ah, I do not seek eternal wealth, but to prepare you when poor and rich people who lack the time to help.
I do not seek health forever , but to get your medical treatment when sick, when you do something strong.
I seek not always successful, but for the failure to have your support, success, glory to you.
I do not seek forever happiness, but for the sad with your comfort, joy does not get carried away.
pray every time I do not ask are heard, but for every time you can hear, and let me know when the answer is your mercy , do not answer with your kindness.
4. in the Lord with my walk in life, can total more than often I am the footsteps of the Lord. Then the Lord put into a thorn in my weakness in life, in case I'm conceited. the limitations of my monitor that I should not, as the pace too fast, walking in front of the Lord.
5. Why is mentally and physically exhausted? a pleasure to serve is not it? In many cases, unable to work that we are not the kind of dedicated service man due to fatigue, but it is the kind of ) no matter what situation you are in, do not forget to return to the Lord, he will always cares for you.
7. If you have experienced God as a wonderful way, you will earnestly pray; but if you want to experience this wonders, you should first take this step!
8. If we start everything in life praising God and not God who harm our environment changes, then the power of God will revealed,
9. free time when the treasure, I wasted not overlook, for the use of those valuable time to serve Christ, I have completely realized that free time so short and must not miss and regret. obedience brings blessing is (pure heart Code)
10. Many Christians according to their ability to assess the difficulty of things, so tiny they are ambitious and often fails. All the men are weak, but they rely on the power of God and God In the same great things for God.
11. Father, ah, I admit that I often very narrow view of life, when the pressing difficulties of life when I come, please let me to see you in distress, I trust you to help the sovereignty of goodness mm silent even when you seem to, and leaving
12. thanks to hurt you, because he honed your mind:
thank your trip, because he strengthens your legs:
thanks to cheat you, because he has enhanced your wisdom;
thanks for your contempt, because he awakening your self-esteem;
abandoned thank you people, because he taught you to be independent;
everything Thanksgiving, grateful, grateful for all the people you grow up! and directed by the great director you these clowns mm ah Dad Father!
13. When I wish to God When God asked what I would like to promise? I say: Please take care of people who are watching the message, bless him safe and happy forever. good luck continue! even accidentally fell into the river, climb will find pockets are full of fish. < br> 14. According to Jesus Christ in particular special law to impose on you no joy, deprivation of rights for life depressed. confiscated all the lonely trouble, without appeal, immediately! Please accept the submission of all from God!
15. May You remove the worldly troubles, copy the grace of happy, joyful mood paste, download divine wisdom, spiritual enlightenment collection, sharing the light of truth, preserving the right of heart too, set to serve the state.
16. to shape our fate, not earth-shattering moment; but every day routine in the surrounding! Lord mutual encouragement mm
17. Notwithstanding the Lebanon and Hermon mountain dew dew moisture, the Dead Sea is still bitter stench, no fish, no birds and no laughter ! only because the Dead Sea there is no exit! even though there are clear spring water into which it can not be revived.
lives if we only know that angry. only to pass out of the blessings we accept that our life will be full of vitality!
18. the love of Christ, the love of Christ to love others! spiritual and Christian love is more than talked about the brothers and brothers together to talk about Christ. it knows that to someone else is always the most direct way to Christ through prayer!
19. When we draw near to God all the problems are not the problem Thanksgiving gratitude few grace grace, grace upon grace! anointed you would like to Divine thick!
21. God's country so rich in beauty, countless brothers and sisters Jingzhe Yao, interest in literary grace Ezra Moses, Paul Apollos lagged, Genghis Abraham, knew only sacrifice on the mountain, all will carry few heroes also see today.
22. with a life time to understand God and Savior with years of life peers; the enthusiasm of a lifetime love of my Father, with a lifetime of action to follow the Bible; the best choice in life than with the Lord!
23. would like to ask the Lord God of Rafah on to your old pain, Jehovah Le God prepare your New Year all! Jehovah Nissi God bring you victory in the coming year, the Lord God has given you Yongnian Sharon's peace!
24. human life only once, every day of life only once , how precious life is, cherish every day of the sun, wind and rain also make every day, God is always good under. in everything give thanks!
25. I like the simple life, only hope, only a stable and slow growth, like the color after years of washing, do not sing like that song, more like people who do this see this message the Lord friend for life!
26. Dear brothers and sisters Hello everybody, here is the Gospel VOD platform, your best friend just for you on demand a > 27. > 28. to calm the sorrow from the heart, so that peace rises from the heart, in the quiet moments, with the main talk; when the noise is approaching four weeks, when your heart is full of sad despair, in the quiet moments, with the main close ; never to forget to return the arms of Jesus, he will make you get the rest; never to forget to return the arms of Jesus, he will make you renew their strength.
29. Lord, ah, ask you for the quiet heart, I can not accept the change,
main ah, please give me the courage and perseverance to change I can change.
main ah, but can I have wisdom to distinguish the difference between the two .
30. Christmas is really hard work of everyone, and God bless you commemorate mm from strength to strength, grace upon grace, music add music. In this quiet night, send my warm wishes; with a deep regards deep wash away your tired mind, a good night's dream take you to the wonderful ...... I wish you have a dream! (which is a sister to us all after a busy day, though only a limited passage, but tremendous encouragement!)
31. in a kind of love, you will always be loved child; the nails in the hands of a pair, you will always be supported by object; serve in a sacred , you will always be holy anointed vessels; there is a love in your eyes is always the best!
32. As occurred in our number of disappointments in life, we may expect to bear the holy work do not deserve, good to have someone else instead. and forget that God is through the environment to remind us to depend on him to act!
33. the weather is changing, but the Lord give you my love and grace never change! temperature drop, I wish you my enthusiasm for the rise of the Lord! getting cold more clothes Oh, I remember a Merry Christmas!
34. just get it? For.
wash up, right? ah.
that I say you listen to? line.
lightning just after the prayer, right? Oh.
to start a new challenge today? Well
nervous, I am going to tell you where to get the power of Jesus re-start face the challenges of today.
35. one o'clock service, you can reduce the burden of his life; a share, to stimulate his fighting spirit and potential; one o'clock witness, can stimulate his repeated reflection; make disciples is not only a temporary choice, also the challenge of a lifetime! is not only a decision for the moment, is to follow the life!
36, the number of a person's mind back, his inner light there is; Moreover, a person can only recover his mind and focus In God's body, his spirit will be strong!
37, surrender is not the best way of life, but the only way of life; others do not have a work. If God wants to have more in you deep as it would be surrendered from the beginning. Therefore, all to God, whether it is your last regret, fear, dreams, weakness. habits, injury, annoyance. to Jesus Christ sitting in the driver's seat of your life, Put your hands on the steering wheel away from Fear not, under his charge.
38, the winter snow of opportunity to ensure that a single spring, summer sweat is synonymous with the harvest of joy, the darkness of night is tomorrow Dawn of the Prelude. sigh of the future is now mature catalyst, the mind is a day of sorrow is comforted.
39, time to think about what God lonely, lonely time to remember God, tell God when sad, happy Do not forget, when God, when the understanding of God helpless, frustrated, there was a God! God will always love you, no matter what situation you are in!
40, when the evil Lord comfort me again when the defamation does not make me angry; when the master touch me, and then the blade can cause injuries benefits;
when the Lord embraced me, the pain too deep to be dissipated; when the Lord set his eyes on me, and then have to release the long-wronged!
41, Jesus gives you strength to the face of the most depressing or the most joyful environment. real contentment is learned, not born with, and can not buy at the convenience store, to the main learn contentment.
42, for the love of Christ to Christ Love to love other people! spiritual and Christian love is more than talked about the brothers and the brothers together and talk about Christ. it knows that to someone else is always the most direct way to Christ through prayer!
43, I I believe brothers and sisters in terms of emotional than, or more intellectually lonely. from the main reason is lack of trust or pride. forget between brothers can be more open your heart, honest caring, understanding, acceptance, sharing and praying!
44, people inside unless there is a quiet first practice, and I do not know how else to communicate with others;
people alone unless prior experience, or do not know how to enjoy social life mmBonhoeffer Bonhoeffer.
45, we can only see now, we often use to measure the eternal now; we often feel to a conclusion now; the number of complaints is one such issue here; many stupid thing to do out; the number of discouraged faint out of this is generated; seeking dictates that we have God's vision to see the hidden blessings of the future.
46, you can not determine the length of life, but you can extend the width of it; you can not change the natural appearance, but the fact you can show a smile; you can not hope for the control of others, but you can take control of their own: you can not completely ready tomorrow, but you can take full advantage of today; You can not ask all the best, but you can try to do everything!
47. Mid-Autumn Festival is to: the cake to send a spiritual
component = salvation + Cross blood,
valid = eternal,
Nutrition = grace + gift + anointing,
manufacturers; the Lord,
Shelf life: eternal life,
Storage: remember, Thanksgiving!
48. the morning is a good start, the end of the night is the worry,
bring all the fun sunny days, rain washed away all sadness, regardless of fair and rain, both morning and night, May the Lord bless you!
49. quiet night, you go to the balcony watching the stars,
have two shooting stars in your eyes, a call late one call Ann,
fall into your hands, you catch it? wish you a good mood, sweet dreams!
50. busy Do not forget to mind a little space and nutrients,
Let joy and calm natural breed, feel free to take a deep breath of life everywhere will find a good, happy readily available, I wish you good mood every day!
51. angel said, standing in the snow as long as the intentions of painting 99 Tulip wish,
God will hear, I spent painting over the entire yard, and finally God said:
make a wish, and I said: I see all these messages have a warm winter !
52. Joy is the ability to love,
guarantee of peace is love,
Patience is the insistence of love,
kind of action is love,
good characteristics of love, br> faithful love is trust,
gentle humility of love,
abstinence is the victory of love.
fruit of the Spirit of 9!
53. life is only two sentences:
2 to trust in God alone to the glory of God all things, discuss the purpose of his joy!
God bless us! is our greatest blessing!
54. I booked the first light tomorrow to you , I wish you happiness!
booked tomorrow morning to give you the first morning breeze, I wish you liking!
booked the first tone birds to you, I wish you all wishes come true!
want everybody in the main Often a joy!
55. praise God is to enjoy the perfect property.
thank the grace of God is enriched to enjoy.
pray for is to enjoy the true promise of God.
praise is to enjoy the vast power of God. Meditation is to enjoy God's joy in the.
173,57. Dear customer, here is the gospel song sets. your friends miss you, features a song: I wish you a happy day. Because the system can not broadcast a busy, trouble yourself to hum, thank you!
58. tired, the heart to the Lord;
wrong, please immediately repent;
bitter, only know how to meet;
injury, to recognize the strong;
lost to know to cherish;
laughed, before a beautiful experience;
stuffy, think more of the Lord, look how much you love Lord!
59. would like to bring my bird song sincere greetings!
bring me the morning dew of the original silent care!
would like to bring tens of millions of leaves missing in my heart!
I would like to bring the cold snow and warm wishes!
Seasons peace! God be with you!!
60. Some people love you but can not afford, some people have the capability but do not love you,
CD He has both the ability of our Father and loves you, let us join their hope in him, as his children now!
61. clouds fate of never undertaking to the sky, but gazing at each other;
landscape never to eternal eyes out, but always beautiful;
stars never promised to the night light, but efforts to flicker;
God never appeared to us, but always love you!!
62. charcoal if ignited, can not make warm;
barley if passed, how to share;
Yuping if not broken, how can the aroma released into the atmosphere;
you and I simply shot the lights light, of course, on the lampstand, although tears, but we have to do is shine
63. Our life is like a bell, prayer is the second hand, the Book of Songs is the minute hand, serve a clock;
minute in normal operation only the second hand , have the ability to serve our knees where the knees, where our lives to grow.
64. Joy is a hot spring in winter, the freezing point of solutions of solidification;
the summer in the springs, can nourish thirsty heart;
is a cool quote agent, can boost the spirit of decline; is the fruit of the Holy Spirit, given at any time the aroma of Christ!
65. The Lord is the spring rain, when you sad when you give comfort you;
main summer wind, when you give you cool when hot;
Lord is autumn chrysanthemum, when you're alone when you wind bloom;
Lord is the winter sun, when you cold you warm sun!
66. There can not bear the weight of life, we need to smile.
because we believe that life was valuable.
life belongs to God, no matter how bad, how difficult the situation,
we still firmly believe in the loving Father looked after conservative!
67. I click on the spring, to see your smile, your smile I copied, pasted in my heart,
I download my I have thought of it As always, I open my cell phone, best wishes to you!
we have good hope, but the promises of God; we have eternal life, that is the life of Jesus Christ, br> We live in the eternal kingdom of God promised, this is not wishful thinking, confidence is still waiting!
68. May the Lord God of Rafah, ask to your unhappy past;
May Jehovah Jireh's God, prepare all your future;
Jehovah Nissi God willing, I will bring the victory;
Sharon Lord God give you eternal peace;
promise to God, the LORD for you never shepherd, and lead you and guide you! God bless you!
69. Our life is like a bell, prayer is the second hand, the Book of Songs is the minute hand, serve a clock;
only second hand minute hand in normal operation, have the ability to serve our knees where the knees, where our lives to grow.
70. want to be rich you?
give you forty million mm
be sure to obey ,
never be humble,
never be holy,
do and be patient!
71. Thanksgiving brings praise,
praise bring joy,
joy to bring hope,
with a different point of view of the misfortunes,
on everything happening thanks,
you will find yourself happier __ more release.
72. with a life time to understand God with years of life and Savior counterparts,
love with a passion for life, my heavenly Father, with a lifetime of action to follow the Bible,
the best choice in life than to walk with the Lord!
73. more more blessed to pray,
many more blessed to sing poetry,
more love and more blessings the Savior,
enjoy life more and more Bible,
thank the Lord Enduomengfu,
more gospel more blessed,
Jesus was a true blessing,
give you seven blessing,
your New Year Mongolia New Arrivals!
74. life is very important three things:
with a forgiving heart towards the world, deal with life;
change the world with a happy heart, life-changing;
experiencing the world with a thankful heart, to experience life!
Happy Thanksgiving! Emmanuel!
75. heart long, the main Aizaishenqiu;
road is long, accompanied by joy forever;
to see sunrise and sunset, life in the rush;
look to the tides, who enjoy the romance?
as long as the main stay, is the wish of our lives! wish happiness
76. remove the worldly troubles,
copy grace happiness;
paste the joy of the heart;
download heavenly wisdom;
collection soul inspiration;
kept the right attitude;
sharing the light of truth;
run the race of life;
glory of the reward;
God bless you !
77. God is the antidote to melancholy, the signs are lost, is pain advice,
is frustrated smile, a hug is tears, is to rely on A friend in need, Jesus is my best friend let the love of God to draw us ever!:
79. can be relaxed in the busy, under pressure to release, there is hope in despair,
in the cold in care have to rely on fear, concerns in entrust in May God's love is always with you!
80. mutual encouragement:
holy not the obligation, but a joy!
justice is not forced, but a joy !
serve God and God is not hard, but a privilege,
heart is the face of God's attitude is not to say I have to, but said I would!:)
81. with the main spend each one day open the eyes
(@.@)< br> speaker praises (^ o ^)
Scripture Meditation (--_--)< br> looking at the cross (+.+)< br> suffer efforts toward (.#)< br> constant joy:)
live Thanksgiving (!.!)
82. prayer + Reading = sweet on honey;
Charismatic + Grace = grace upon grace ;
prayer + preaching = strength to strength;
wish + voice = blessing thousands;
May the Lord loves you more love you;
you would like to love God and love God more!
83. May your spiritual heart is the altar of the fire burning; May your head is filled with God's anointing; May your mouth ���� and honey flow, so that millions of people blessed through you, ask God to make your tent until the expansion to pole.
84. sea of distress, plain afraid, should not cause you frustration, because the Lord the neighbor, when the suffering sorrow, when you lost all courage, he should Xuhui Cheng for your help, call your soul rest in peace!
85. air, rain, fog ...... around a lot of good things are given to us by God in vain, but that does not mean no value, salvation, too, The more free the more valuable things, because we can not afford!
86. water in a stream, fish in the swim, games, forget the sorrow to rely on Jesus!
wind is blowing, rain the next, you laugh about Jesus !
Heart of Jesus, the most intimate, and the main chat with the most fun!
Lord there is love, you love, may you ���������! by the Lord always!
87. Do not move! you have been God blessing surrounded, put down all your worries, surrender to God's love, all your worries will be forfeited and awarded to your infinite grace, the joy of God in exile, monitoring the implementation by the Holy Spirit!!!
88. Each step, every day, to follow. homework can not be neglected, more work! Christian Studies, teaching the history of Bible, slowly prepared. saints around the world believe in God much. We have to wake up, think of you, quiet. Amen! 89 . New Year's Eve the only joy, sighs and long year of your age. the gospel come to you and the threshold for white Bai Endian eternal life. heaven hell real visible, everyone is a crime after the death of the trial. believe in Christ are all forgiven, Jesus loves you cross sake .
90. the world of festivals and people from the justice of the television information, and the desire to feast together. beware of those who create strife ignition. At the moment, the Lord's love is the protection of believers holiday safely. Columbia ago 13:4-8 ; Romans 12:9-21
91. is not tired of this world, every day looking forward to Sunday. not a follower in this world, immersed not distinguish between secular. vocational identity, such as packaging, all of this is a day of pure ministry. thank God for giving this environment: divide my food is to be salt and light.
92. to be able to sit in vine and fig tree and give thanks to Enron singing it, in a few days grace count, firm ourselves, God baby, often blessed with the Lord in thanksgiving:)
93. Dear brothers and sisters: Joy! tomorrow put on Christ and then back to the world shine, bless you! We present this holiday is not a stranger, pilgrim. We did the heaven. remember the significance of wages, not forget the mission of Christians in the workshop.
94. His name is Satan, he got moon cake stand. This beautiful golden flash box, do not you just eighty. moon cake is not anyway eat the world who came to power, gifts of this is selfishness, so why be afraid to spend? Diabetes is his sword, hell is the backyard.
95. Autumn is not my happy, because my home is in heaven. my brother that the most important , where expectations. people drunk before flowering, with me? that lights are not idols, because Father made days. and celebrating the earth, this is a day not forget you.
96. depressed, full of the desire impetuous world. young head is full of decadent ideas, valuable time has been stolen by the so-called fashion. not ideal, simply lost, as the slaves of sin without knowing it. I would like to do a neon flashing a light candles, to do in a flood of dirty Gulf stream.
97. IMC when the alert. rejected the Prince of Peace shall possess the sword. Jerusalem is not a stone left on another piece. the interests of bitter hatred, the crime complex where the poor? ninety-one Eight is not a National Day of revenge. in Japan when the penitent reflection.
98. I declare that, within the main body for the field proud of the capital crying, his position and knowledge of the past shame, not glory but owed. To people for money or status or to identify the main knowledge-hardened and the soul of sorrow must be hell.
99. time really is near! expire if not better than working! ago about the loss of principal on the gains the whole world in your own words, that love success The will not be peace. Today is the response of the eye. Behold, the bloody news every day, evolution? the most rebellious generations!
100. What is man that thou art mindful of that. In a world full of misery thanks to peace, in the twinkling of an eye fleeting time give eternal life. twists and turns of life can only push you more to my letter, because in the sea you are my rudder, my sails.
101. experience the hot irritability, with only a short air-conditioning ? humanity, such as burning desires, the Earth out of control so what is the environment? who dominate over all creation, is clean since the days of dumping Who, who will make a covenant rainbow sign? respect His name high.
102. When people respect to account, and painted, he had the Gospel values. When people into self-righteous historians attempt to interpret the Bible, God and the commentaries, he no part with heaven. academic creation, the source of all knowledge and the knowledge of God.
103 . with love for the victory crown, the kingdom of heaven in the heart room. received Zealot sheath the sword of obedience on the ground regime. remember the Lord seriously at encouraging, Death to the sword by the sword. replacement guilt has its limits. new life originated from the heart. suffering true peace.
104. a spiritual revival, the fiery conviction. not the old man rubbed some pious, not add some moving culture. A spiritual revival is the revolutionary cardiopulmonary destroy crack, completely abandoned the dark into the light, spread the light.
105. patience, like the dark eyes and it never complained, and never missed a silver lining. wait, like a tree, rainy stretch, enjoy the nectar of God, DWF quietly taking root. experience the power of loneliness and divine revelation.
106. with a life time to understand God and Savior with years of life peers, with the passion to love life, my heavenly Father, with a lifetime of action follow the Bible, the best choice in life than to walk with the Lord!
107. the blessing of the Lord filled the early morning, the sun and rain all over her world, His grace is also true; if you find you can find her. May God Hello new day in the given mood, happy for a day. Remember that every day is a new beginning.
108. Sometimes the warm words to many of us moved; sometimes a little assistance, give us a long time Bearing in mind ...

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